Monday, April 1, 2013



Two Days back, the newspapers in Odisha State (India) had reported that even though the IMR in the state has been reduced from 75 per 1000 in 2005 to 57 per 1000 in 2011. It is a matter of great concern. Similarly, the MMR in the state is higher than the national average .i.e. 258 per 1000 in Odisha compared to 212 per 1000 at the National Level.  Despite much effort both by the Government and NGOs, there has not been significant change.  The suggested figures are much higher in tribal areas of Odisha, The question comes whether the Nutrition Programme is really reaching the target group or not? Also whether the Anganwadi workers and Asha Karmis are playing the expected role or not? Whether access to health care and infra-structure, safe drinking water, information and basic food and livelihood is ensured or not has become a big question. All these indicate that the state of Odisha is far from reaching the Million Development Goals (MDGs).

It has always been suggested that to reduce the IMR and MMR to a satisfactory level and achieve the distinction of reaching a target below the National Figures, there is a need to identify HIGH RISK areas. There should be a Mission and try out the following:

1.      Intensive Mass Literacy Programme including Female Literacy
2.      Prepare more number of Barefoot Doctors and Volunteers
3.      Operationalise a Convergence Programme under a Collaborative framework under which the Government, the NGOs and Civil Societies, the Private Sector, the Panchayati Raj Institutions, the Doctors Associations, the Media etc. will build up a front to achieve the goals.
4.      Give rewards to those villages and Panchayats who have minimised the IMR and MMR.
5.      Express a Political Will by all Political Parties
6.      The International Agencies like UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank must act proactively rather than produce glossy Reports.
7.      Prepare Innovative Programmes with Community Participation.
8.      Publish Citizen’s Reports to highlight why things are working or not.
9.       Expand Health Infra-structure and change the scenario of 8 Doctors and 4 beds per 100,000 populations.
10.   Earmark special budget for the High Risk Areas.

Please send your feed back to me and take the debate further.