Sunday, September 30, 2012


The current split between Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal indicates many aspects of the Civil Societies in our country. When there is need for millions of Civil Society activists to think and act in unison, the unfortunate division will make an impact on badly needed process of socio-economic and political changes. I think this division could have been avoided by skillful dialogue and positive engagement.

I have been greatly inspired by Anna's work - Watershed Dev, School for drop -outs, Social Mobilisation in Ralegaon Siddhi etc. I have also interacted with Arvind and his spirit of fighting a cause - Right to Information, Governance, India Against Corruption etc. As I have understood them, they were co-travelers for a while and parted ways after covering a distance far from reaching the GOAL.

We activists have always a false sense of understanding that we can change the world by our kind of mediation, by our kind of methods. Lets look at the issue whether the activists can get involved in party politics. I am afraid we can not. Our role is to impart political literacy but not to fight an election. Our role is to take side with the struggling people but not to become their leaders. And the true definition of leadership is always clear. Our role is to create alternative political leadership so that people fight their own battles.

I have the sincere wish that all activists of different hue and colour come together for a real transformation of our society, economy and politics. This is what Albert Camus has passionately advocated while fighting the Nazis - EFFORT OF EACH ONE OF US AND UNION OF ALL.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I am shocked to know that Odisha Legislative Assembly has passed (without a proper debate) the Odisha Industrial Security Force Bill 2012 to protect the interest of the Corporates. The Bill has the provision that anyone can be arrested without warrant or search anyone's house without a search warrant. The Bill is aiming at protecting the Corporates against any kind of labour ineterst or dissidence. This State Security force will be very much in the line of CISF ( Central Industrial Security Force ). The Minister while championing the cause of the Bill has said “Sustained resistance to displacement and relocation impinges on the security of industries and developmental projects. It is extremely difficult for the State police to provide security to the industries,”

I know the Corporates which are oftne under attack for their anti-poor and anti-labour policies have been asking the State Government to provide such security Forces. I know one Corporate was negotiating with the State Government to fund the raising of such forces by giving salaries, accommodation, vehicles and other equipments. It is a bsically to legalise a private army by using the State apparatus. This funding will just be a fraction of the profit they are going to make or already making.

The recent killing of the South African Miners in a Platium Mining by the State  Security Forces have created wide-spread condemnation and lets pray that such incidents are not repeated in our country but who knows?

I am reminded of the famous book  Animal Farm by George Orwell in which the pig Napoleaon raised a secret force of the dogs who were used to suppress and eliminate the dissidence.

One wonders whether such Bills will get the Presidential Assent but it issadto know that several states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Gujarat have already passed such a Bill. No wonder, one state is competing with another to guard the interests of the corporates,

Some of my friends have questioned the role of the Civil Societies who have not made much noise about this Bill. But perhaps, there is some way of expressing protest.